commercial and institutional
Weymouth Landing Smelt Brook

Another Smelt Run Daylighting Project! Some days we go REALLY low-tech, and actually draw by hand (then Photoshop...)
As part of a decade-old agreement with the MBTA to encourage fish to travel up and downstream before and after spawning season, Weymouth has required to daylight a section of the brook running through Weymouth Landing, a commercial district between Weymouth and Braintree.
Smelt live most of their lives in the sea but spawn in freshwater streams each spring, and the darkness of the culverted sections can deter their progress. Officials say restoring a 1-mile stretch of Smelt Brook would provide a healthy habitat for smelt to migrate upstream.
The daylighting project was paid for with a MassWorks Infrastructure Program grant which included money for a pedestrian walkway and a park in the village center. Considered key to the Landing’s ongoing redevelopment, the pedestrian features should be completed following a new mixed-use development proposed on the abutting parcel.
These sketches depict the public plaza, information spaces, and connections to existing transit and proposed mixed-use developments nearby.
Weymouth, MA